
A team I was a part of was tasked with creating a dramaturgy lobby display for a play being put on at Arizona State University called "the livin' life of the daughter mira" by Matthew Paul Olmos.

The play presents the adult manifestation of a newborn baby girl adapting to her new life in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) while her family struggles with her arrival. My team was tasked with creating diplay boards to place in the lobby to provide supplemental information about the NICU, the writer, and information about the actors, for audience members to apprecite as they enter the show.

I helped come up the visual concept for the boards showing doorways into rooms with visuals that represent the story. I was also able to create a 3D layout of the lobby space and imported the visuals my team and I created to better understand how the dramaturgy boards will be displayed in the space.

Visualizing / conceptializing informational boards
Spring 2022
3D Rendering, Digital-Illustration, Organizing Information in a 3D and Physical Space, Team Collaboration
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